Research shows that when parents are insured, their children are more likely to see a doctor. Unfortunately, Bridgeport has the highest rate of uninsured adults of any city in the state. To help close the gap, a small cadre of trained “Assisters” are helping families here and across Connecticut to understand their health care options on the new state health insurance exchange. The Assisters meet face-to-face with families and offer culturally and linguistically appropriate guidance. Here in Bridgeport, they have been working hard to spread the word and increase the number of insured adults and children.
Research shows that when parents are insured, their children are more likely to see a doctor. Unfortunately, Bridgeport has the highest rate of uninsured adults of any city in the state. To help close the gap, a small cadre of trained “Assisters” are helping families here and across Connecticut to understand their health care options on the new state health insurance exchange. The Assisters meet face-to-face with families and offer culturally and linguistically appropriate guidance. Here in Bridgeport, they have been working hard to spread the word and increase the number of insured adults and children.
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