
Good health is the cornerstone of a childs and familys well-being.  It starts before birth and is influenced by every part of a childs environmenthis or her home, school, neighborhood, and city. In addition to a healthy environment, a child also needs ready access to quality, affordable health care. Because every child deserves a healthy start, were working to create both healthy environments, as well as access to health care for families, no matter who they are or where they live.

BCACs recent work in the area of health and health equity includes:

  • Conducting outreach and education about HUSKY state health care, assisting families with screening and enrollment, and coordinating the HUSKY Collaborative for health care and social service providers.
  • Helping state agencies improve access to health care and safety net social services for low-income residents.
  • Tracking health care legislation, influencing lawmakers, submitting formal testimony, and conducting community and media outreach.